Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, UPC (Spain)

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialized in the fields of engineering, architecture, and science.

The UPC puts its scientific and technological infrastructure at the service of research groups and centers, researchers and students, professionals, companies, and institutions.
UPC has 21 schools and 205 research groups; 30.864 students, 3.066 teaching and research staff. It offers 65 bachelor degrees, 73 master’s degrees and 49 doctoral programmes.

In a highly creative context, the UPC’s research, teaching and management projects are based on the principles of freedom, justice, democracy, solidarity, cooperation, sustainability, efficiency, transparency and social responsibility. They also reflect the University’s commitment to the environment and to change. With a focus on intellectual rigor, critical thinking, a transversal approach to knowledge, educational innovation and entrepreneurship, the UPC produces competent professionals with the skills they need to tackle present and future challenges.

The activity that goes on at UPC campuses and schools has made the University a benchmark institution.The University harnesses the potential of basic and applied research, and transfers technology and knowledge to society. These actions make the UPC—in partnership with the productive fabric—an agent and driver of economic and social change.

As a leading member of international networks of excellence, the UPC has a privileged relationship with global scientific and educational organizations. As a result, the University is at an advantage when it comes to attracting international talent.The UPC is a university with a consolidated worldwide reputation and an international vision that generates technological innovation and attracts talent.

The objectives of the UPC are based on internationalization, as it is Spain’s technical university with the highest number of international PhD students and Spain’s university with the highest number of international master’s degree students.The UPC has a vision of innovation and talent in a global and highly competitive world. The UPC is home to more strategic research projects funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program than any other Spanish university. UPC belongs to the following international academic networks: AUIP, CESAER, CINDA, CLUSTER, EUA, GUNI, MAGALHAES, REDEMPRENDIA, RMEI, TELESCOPI, T.I.M.E, UNITECH, UNIVERSIA.
UPC, together with UPM-Madrid, created some year ago the “Sino-Spanish Campus” at Tongji University (China).

Today, UPC is characterized by a purposefully open stance towards international students, a wide selection of master’s degree programs in English, participation in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and various international research programs, and a consolidated line of worldwide cooperation activities that serve as tools for change and social progress. Our students and faculty maintain links with universities in Europe, Asia and the Americas through both academic exchange and participation in international research projects. An appealing range of educational programs has positioned the University as a welcoming place for the exchange of knowledge, with more than 2,000 foreign students from all over the world enrolling each year. Science, technical fields, technology and architecture form the core of our personality

Activities and experience of the partner organization in the areas relevant for this project. The skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project

UPC will have a relevant role in WP4-Guidelines for the development of innovative and efficient (in terms of employability) JPs between EU and China – including study visits in Europe, since UPC team has a vast experience in this area in several Erasmus + Projects; namely the REDEEM, WELCOME and BOOST projects.

Furthermore, UPC also has a wide experience in the International relations field and in particular with Double Degree work; not only in the REDEEM project, but also with UPC own Double Degrees agreements.

In addition, UPC has already experience in cooperation for student mobility with some of the most prestigious Chinese universities. UPC has already 2 double degrees with Tongji University (in architecture and in civil engineering); in the framework of the “Sino-Spanish Campus” created by UPC together with UPM-Madrid in Tongji University.
Key persons:

Juan Jesus Perez, Vice-Rector for International Relations of UPC.
Professor at ETSEIB school in UPC since 1984. He is the academic staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering since more than 30 years. He has been Senior Researcher in the Molecular Research Institute of Palo Alto in California, between 1991and 1993, Visiting Scientist at IBM Laboratories in Kingston, Nova York, between 1987and 1988, and visitor researcher in the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and at Max-Planck Institut fur Physik in Munich during 1983. He is responsible of the research line in Molecular engineering, dedicated to computer-based molecular design and molecular modeling.
As a manager, he had been vice-dean for international relations in ETSEIB school between 1999 and 2002. From 2002 to 2006 he was the Vice-Rector for Doctorate, Research and International Relations. Member of the Commission preparing the strategic plan of Politecnico di Torino (2006-2007). Secretary of the awarding body of the quality label QUESTE for teaching in engineering. He has participated in different European projects about quality assurance in teaching in engineering and about the promotion of entrepreneurship. Now, since December 2017, he is the Vice-Rector for International Relations of UPC.

Helena Martinez, Director of the International Relations Bureau of UPC. BA in Hispanic Philology and Master’s in University Policy and Management. Execuive Secretary of CEURI (International Relations Committee of the Spanish Rectors Conference since 2008. UPC’s Erasmus Coordinator since 1998. UPC’s representative in some Task Forces in different Academic Networks: CINDA, CLUSTER, UNITECH, MAGALHAES, etc. Member of the Advisory Commission of Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (Foreign Afairs Ministry). Member of 18 Committees of university quality assurance since 1995 (working for “Consejo de Universidades”, Agencia Andaluza de la Calidad, Agència Catalana de la Calidad). Member of the UPC’s Commission preparing and editing the Strategic Plan for International Affairs of the UPC.

Berenice Martin, Students Mobility Responsible at the International Relations Bureau of UPC.
Responsible of the International Students Office of UPC; coordinating student mobility among the 20 schools/faculties of UPC; organizing the “Orientation Weeks” welcoming activities for international students at UPC (for exchange and regular international students); assessing international students about legal procedures. Manager of EU Erasmus+ grants and projects related to student mobility: KA107 grants; old Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows and Erasmus Mundus action 2 (projects: ECW Mexico, EBW and EBW2 with Brazil, Willpower with India, AREAS and AREAS+ with Asia, Eranet-Mundus and Eranet-Plus with Russia, ELARCH with Latin America); and KA103 grants until 2014. Support to the Head of the UPC International Office in the local coordination of the UNITECH network. Support to the Head of the UPC International Office in the application and reports for the Erasmus+KA103 project of UPC. Assessor for the creation and management of some of the first Erasmus Mundus Masters in UPC.
October 2015-September 2017: participation in the strategic partnership project “REDEEM“(Reforming Dual Degree Programmes for Employability and Enhanced Academic Cooperation).
