Following an outstanding scientific and cultural tradition inherited from its prior institutions, Universidade de Lisboa was created in July 2013, as a result of the merger of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa and Universidade de Lisboa (tracing its origins to the establishment of the Portuguese University in 1290). Universidade de Lisboa has 18 schools and over 100 research units, around 50,000 students, 4.000 lecturers, 2.500 non-academic staff and 400-degree courses. Teaching, research, science, technology, and innovation are the core business of Universidade de Lisboa.
Instituto Superior Técnico was created in 1911 and is the school of Engineering, Science and Technology and Architecture of Universidade de Lisboa. In these domains, IST represents the largest and most reputed school in Portugal and one of the bests in Europe. At IST, we aim to give our students and alumni the education and the knowledge tools to improve, to change and to shape society through science, technology, and entrepreneurship. We provide top quality higher education, strongly exposed to Research, Development, and Innovation (RD&I) activities, immersing our students in an exciting and global environment geared towards solving the challenges of the XXIst Century.
IST consists of 10 Departments and there is about 10.000 full-year equivalent under and postgraduate students, and about 1.600 full-time equivalent teaching and non-teaching staff. Internationalization has been defined as a key strategic goal over the past few years with increasing number of international students and staff, as well as an increasing and dynamic participation in international academic networks and partnerships of excellence (e.g. CLUSTER, TIME, CESAER, MAGALHÃES, TEMPUS, KIC-INNO ENERGY, S3EP). Through a large number of agreements with other institutions worldwide (more than 500), IST participates in more than 50 Double Degree programmes, and joint Ph.D. programmes with MIT, CMU, UT-Austin, and EPFL, thus promoting a highly modern and culturally diverse society.
On another note, IST is an important player in the international scenario and is particularly concerned with issues of gender, equal opportunities, and employability in engineering programmes. It has contributed, with its quality staff teams with managerial and leadership skills, along with its accomplished academic and research staff, to transform many international HEIs by contributing to provide the tools to improve and change mindsets through strategic joint initiatives that aim to educate, shape and have a significant global impact for future generations.
Activities and experience of the partner organization in the areas relevant for this project
ULisboa/Técnico Lisboa has a long and impactful experience in and with Double Degrees, either inter-institutions or via higher education networks creation and management. Being the number one school of Engineering within the oldest University in Portugal, ULisboa/Técnico Lisboa has emerged as a relevant national actor among joint and double degrees. Also, along with the general cooperation with the industry and companies, in some particular fields of knowledge, such as Aerospace Engineering, Naval Engineering and in the Energy Management fields. ULisboa/Técnico Lisboa has a large experience in employability issues, namely through the implementation of national and international studies and projects, namely the FOLLOW and ATTRACT international projects and the creation of the OEIST (Employability Observatory of IST Graduates) which is ULisboa/Técnico Lisboa platform to monitor the graduated engineers path and employability integration.
Skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project
ULisboa/Técnico Lisboa team groups a team of several experienced professionals in the fields of internationalization, studies and data analysis and project management:
- Rui Mendes has a degree in Sociology, branch of Labour; he took his MSc degree in Statistics and Management of Information. Currently, he coordinates Instituto Superior Técnico International Affairs Area. He was a permanent member of the General Council of the University of Lisbon and a representative of the same Institution at the Working Group of CRUP (Council of Deans of the Portuguese Universities) regarding the Professional integration of Graduates in Portugal. He was an observer member of the Faculty Council, coordinator of Studies and Projects Unit and responsible of the Employability Observatory at Instituto Superior Técnico; he is and experienced trainer in Statistics, good practices and methodologies in survey construction, online surveys, Information systems, and Data analysis in SPSS. He was the European coordinator of a Longlife learning project funded by EC – FOLLOW and has an extended experience in working and managing Erasmus + projects.
- Ana Lucas has a degree in Sociology; she took a Post-Graduation in Data Analysis and took her MSc degree in Statistics and Management of Information. Currently, she works as an Advisor at Instituto Superior Técnico International Affairs Area, supporting the development of several international projects applications and managing grant awarded international projects in the scope of Erasmus + Key Action 2.
- Susana Giraldes, Graduate in Tourism, member of the technical staff of the Studies and Projects Unit. Person in charge of the analysis through inquiries of the technical and administrative staff of the university; and for the analysis of the academic path of IST final year students. Other activities include participating in the production of a database with scientific and bibliometric indicators for monitoring the research community of IST; administrative and financial management of R&D projects.
- João Patrício, Sociologist; Post-graduate Health Safety at Work; Member of the main Studies and Projects developed at AEP and OEIST (Employability Observatory of the IST graduates) and coordinator of the Studies & Projects Unit (E&P) of AEP. In addition to having participated in some of the above projects, he is working on the Qualitative Data Analysis at AEP and OEIST; working actively in the Strategic Planning for IST Research Units, PHd’s analysis, finalist students studies, working on Labour Satisfaction surveys; and a project developed with CINDA/Universia concerning a Report on Higher Education in Latin America between 2006 and 2011, and in some of the below projects such as FOLLOW, PEOPLE, REDEEM.
- João Paiva Fernandes, Sociologist; Post-graduate in Data Analysis for Social Sciences; Member of the Studies and Projects Unit (E&P). Responsible for the monitoring and analysis of the professional path and situation of IST graduates. Other activities include participating in producing scientific output indicators and bibliometric studies and providing methodological assistance in internal surveys development, among others. Previous experience in several strategic partnerships and capacity building projects such as ATTRACT, FOLLOW, REDEEM, among others
- Carlos Martins Carvalho, Translator; he earned a Post-graduation in Translation and Interpreting, majoring in Economics and Law in 1994; Member of the Studies and Projects Unit (E&P), Técnico Lisboa Rankings Observatory, since 2015. Apart from his vast experience in Translation in several fields, he has developed different activities related to the internationalisation of Técnico Lisboa, in particular drafting proposals for international projects such as FOLLOW (Promotion and Follow-up of graduate Employability in HEs) and REDEEM (Reforming Dual Degree Programmes for Employability and Enhanced Academic Cooperation); He has specialized in monitoring and analyzing international university rankings since 2016